Tuesday, April 19, 2011

'Lights, Camera...Lawsuit'

Charlie Sheen in March 2009Image via WikipediaCharlie Sheen is going before the camera again, only this time, it will be in a courtroom.

The Hollywood Reporter's THR, Esq. blog reports that the judge presiding over Sheen's multi-million lawsuit against Warner Bros. and Two and a Half Men co-creator Chuck Lorre has decided the case will be televised via a single video camera.

Over the defendants' objections, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Allan Goodman sided with media organizations, saying the proceedings were occurring in a "public forum," in allowing the presence of a camera. Sheen and his counsel did not object to the camera (or a vat of tiger blood, a gallery filled with goddesses, or anything else, for that matter).

Whether the legal drama will play out in a courtroom or in a private arbitration hearing has yet to be decided.

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