TheBlaze(, the ubiquitous Glenn Beck's conservative news and opinion Web site, debuted Monday, one day after Beck's Restoring Honor rally White-out enshrouded Washington, D.C.
The Web site will be edited by former Breitbart TV co-founder Scott Baker. Andrew Breitbart, of course, is the fellow behind the Shirley Sherrod and ACORN video scandal hoopla, so one would assume that Baker is skilled at overseeing the editing of long videotapes into short incendiary video clips. Baker was an anchor for WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh for 13 years.
"Nothing Burns Hotter than the Truth" is the tagline for Beck's tangled Web entree. Beck said the flame image symbolizes a "burning truth" that is not consumed. It also can represent a destructive conflagration, but "TUOL" digresses.
Mediaite was the first site to report on Beck's latest project. Today's home page of TheBlaze, besides Associated Press wire copy, includes stories headlined: HOAS Tread on Patriotic Symbols, NY Residents Don't Support Mosque at Ground Zero, Explicit Poetry GPS Phones Help Illegals and Ground Zero Imam: I've 'Always Been' a Jew and a Christian.
"TUOL" concedes that the Web site does represent a technological advance over the blackboard, heretofore, Beck's preferred weapon of destruction.