Image via CrunchBase
YouTube, the Google-owned site on which subscribers share videos (often with disregard for copyright laws and good taste), launched this week that features online journalism training in a variety of subjects. Woodward, who combined with Washington Post cohort Carl Bernstein to become the "Woodstein" that brought down the Nixon Administration with their coverage of the Watergate scandal, presents a five-minute tutorial on investigative journalism. CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric's contribution to YouTube are pointers on conducting a good interview. Kristof, the New York Times columnist, weighs in on being a foreign correspondent.
Other participants include Ariana Huffington, editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post Website, who addresses citizen journalism (because talking about how to get professional journalists to write for you for no money seems tacky).
YouTube is looking for experienced journalists to upload instructional videos. With the public increasingly looking to social media and other nontraditional sources for their news, it may be a case for these celebrity journalists of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
To be followed by a five-minute class in Golf by Tiger Woods, a ten-minute class in Astrophysics by Steven Hawking and a fifteen-minute class in The Meaning of Life by The Dalai Lama (the first ten minutes are meditation.)