Al Franken via
In a per curium opinion In the Matter of the Contest of General Election held on November 4, 2008, for the purpose of electing a United States Senator from the State of Minnesota, Cullen Sheehan and Norm Coleman, contestants/Appellants v.Al Franken, contestee/Respondent (A09-697), the Minnesota Supreme Court rejected Coleman's challenge on due process and equal protection grounds, and affirmed the findings of the three-member panel of judges it appointed in Franken's favor (See "TUOL" post 6/1/09).
Though the court found that the 58-year-old Franken is entitled to the certificate of election needed to assume office, the opinion did not direct Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty to sign the certificate. Pawlenty, an aspirant for the 2012 GOP presidential sweepstakes, has previously indicated he would sign the certificate if so ordered by the Court. No response as yet from the 59-year-old Coleman, whose camp previously has raised the possibility of appealing an adverse ruling to the federal courts. The parties have spent more than $50 million to date on the eight-month-long post-election skirmish.
If you don't stamp out puns like "Franken privileges" I'll go "postal" on you.