Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On the Sunny Side of the Tweet

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Further evidence that the social media tidal wave is not just a passing fad comes from our friends at the San Francisco-based Twitter.com

The social networking and microblogging service reports that it is hosting 50 million tweets daily. The staggering figure--which amounts to 600 tweets per second--represents a seismic jump from last year's 2.5 million figure, and an unfathomable rise from the 5,000 daily tweets generated in 2007 by the masters of 140-character text messages.

Twitter boasts that it is attracting 73.5 million unique users monthly.

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1 comment:

  1. Is a "microblog" like a "ghost poopie?" You know, it feels gigantic, but you turn around and there's nothing there.
